It’s not a ME thing but a WE thing

WHY NOT is a mentality that we want everyone to use in their everyday life. We know in life some things seem unreachable, but you have to think WHY NOT? WHY NOT make a change, WHY NOT be the one to knock down barriers in the world, WHY NOT be the one to make a difference in the world.

WHY NOT shirts available in the Shop


Why Not Me: Finding Your Why Scholarship Recipient

Click below to learn more about our Scholarship Recipient


Educator of the Month

February Nomination

Our first Educator of the Month will be announced in September. Deadline to submit will be 2/28.

We want to show off all of our wonderful Educators that are making a difference. We want to Recognize those who demonstrate dedication, professionalism, and excellence throughout the School and Community.

First Annual Black Author Book Drive

Would like to say THANK YOU to everyone who helped make this Black Author Book Drive a Big Success. This would not be possible without everyone’s support. Why Not Young Lives was able to give every Student at Brookdale Elementary School a book to go home with for the Summer. Thank you to Ms. Shalonda Moss and our 5th Grade Helpers for assisting with our Book distribution. This is just the beginning and we WILL continue to expose our youth to books that they can relate to.


Why Not Educators Corner

“What We Doing In The Classroom?”

We have created this space for ALL Future Educators and Educators. From first day of school, to Classroom Management and to Teacher spotlights this section is dedicated to our phenomenal Educators . To learn more click the link below.


Be Kind to Your Mind

Your Mental Health Matters! Mental Health is just as important as physical health. No one experiences perfect mental health or well being all of the time. We know that in life we have to learn to balance numerous aspects. We are always told to monitor and adjust. However, not addressing mental health problems can take a toll on our well being.


“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”

— Malcolm X


Contact Us

Feel free to contact us with any questions.

Phone: (803)570-2977
